Monday, August 24, 2020

Back for Christmas Essay

Understanding The story â€Å"Back for Christmas† was composed by an exceptionally gifted present day English author John Collier (3 May 1901 †6 April 1980). His accounts might be extensively delegated dreams, however are extremely sui generis. They highlight a sour mind and are normally unexpected or dim in tone. His qualification is a peculiar with a turn at long last. This writer can stands an image clear before the eyes of the peruser. The title of the story under investigation is short yet it energizes numerous affiliations. From one viewpoint the content can be associated with a delightful family occasion, yet then again the title sounds puzzling †why BACK for Christmas; for this situation at any rate the word â€Å"Christmas† itself as of now surmises the possibility of cold winter or something terrible. The content under the examination has a place with the mental kind as it is concerned basically with the psychological and enthusiastic existences of the characters. It makes me think about the depicted issue not once. The topic of the story is an inhumane homicide submitted by a commonplace specialist who incidentally neglects to dispose of his bossy spouse. The writer attempts to show the peruser various methodologies of people to the possibility of life. The story portrays a troublesome period in the relations among a couple. The issue, which is addressed in the content, is the strength of one of the mates in the family. The creator makes an all around plotted story which is consistent with life and a reasonable portrayal of spouses’ relations. Compositionally the content falls into the accompanying parts: article, portrayal, outcome, peak, finishing. Piece is uncovered that Doctor Carpenter is welcome to convey a course of talks in the US. At their goodbye party Mrs.Carpenter guarantees the visitors to bring her better half back for Christmas overlooking his slight uncertainty about that. The creator makes it very certain that Hermione Carpenter has consistently been exceedingly answerable for all courses of action in her husband’s life and vocation just as the outing. Portrayal depicts the homicide deliberately executed by the Doctor, who professes to have discovered a gold chain in the channel, which he utilizes as an imitation. In the wake of hitting his better half with a lead funnel and ensuring she is dead, he proceeds to discard the body. End result happens when the main deterrent to the Doctor’s plan emerges when he discovers that the water has been killed by Mrs. Woodworker, which makes him go to the basement. At that point there is a thump on the entryway, which alarms him and achieves despair in the accomplishment of the issue. Be that as it may, accepting no reaction, the neighbors choose to stop by later and leave. Peak is when Mr. Carpenter’s attempts to conceal the body in the opening delved previously in the basement, which his significant other accepted to be a groundwork for another wine canister. The story closes with the Doctor showing up in America to discover a letter sitting tight for him, which ends up being a receipt for fixes of the wine receptacle and will unavoidably prompt the revelation of his wife’s body. The possibility of the content can be planned like this to show the predominance of one of the life partners and what it can lead. As I would see it this subject is genu ine, however somewhat misrepresented. The story is introduced from the perspective of a first-individual eyewitness. The creator presents the characters legitimately and in a roundabout way. The primary character is Doctor Carpenter. As per direct strategy for portrayal we discover that he was a smart, however abnormal; it appears to me he is cryptic, and as we see further he is remorseless. The level character of the story is doctor’s spouse †Mrs. Woodworker. She plas overwhelming job in the family, she is excellent housewife, conveying and sound. She keeps continually everything in immaculate manner. I feel most compassion toward her. The content â€Å"Back for Christmas† is written in a style of fiction. In the start of the content we can see the Carpenters; front room that was loaded up with the dear companions who had come to state  «last-minute farewellâ » †the creator utilized this designation to give us that their companions would be missing him without a doubt. On the opposite with his significant other specialist Carpenter wasn’t sure he would come in tim e, he figured something could ruin his arrangements. Be that as it may, his better half  «beaming at themâ » said he would be back in England for Christmas. The analogy is utilized to console everyone to cause them to trust in this. In this way, the goodbyes started. Mrs. Woodworker attempted her best to make all the courses of action on the significant level and to demonstrate it the creator utilized such appellation as:  «fluting of complimentsâ » and  «marvelous arrangementsâ ». Woodworkers were going to head to Southampton that night and would set out the next day. They have picked this sort of transport for progressively happy with going with no clamor; and to underline it the creator the utilized the redundancy â€Å"No trains, no clamor, no last moment worries†. So specialist Carpenter has contracted for address just three months and surely he would be an extraordinary accomplishment in America. His significant other Hermione has recently labeled aâ long him to have a few stimulations to see the large urban areas high rises. At that point the creator utilizes reiterations  «No augmentations. No magnificent postâ » that give us that his hospital needs him. After the goodbye supper the house cleaners cleaned up all the plates, come in to bid farewell and were so as to get the evening transport to Devizes. The given story created an extraordinary impact on me. It is brimming with amusing and tragic minutes.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Curriculum Evaluation Essay

The report remembered a disintegration of execution for perusing, language and number juggling because of poor instructional techniques, enormous class sizes, and lacking management Presidential Commission to Survey Philippine Education (PCSPE) 1. Break down execution of the instructive framework and its importance to national formative objectives 2. Learn the effectiveness of the framework 3. Distinguish regions which need progressively point by point examination. 4. The report remembered discoveries for : a. Befuddle between instructive administrations and labor necessities b. Jumble between training needs and the national improvement needs c. Discriminatory circulation of instructive offices and assets over the areas d. Absence of efficient arranging and assessment Review OF OUTCOMES OF ELEM EDUCATION (SOUTELE) 1. Battery of accomplishment tests intended to gauge the results of basic training 2. General mental capacity trial of non-verbal sort intended to quantify affiliation 3. Student’s disposition stock expected to gauge full of feeling targets 4. Surveys so as to set up the profiles of understudies, instructors, school heads, and so forth 5. The examination uncovered inadequacies of rudimentary training regarding inputs (assets), forms (educational plan and guidance), and yields (students’ accomplishment). These are influenced by financial, school types, nature of instructing. The Household and School Matching Survey (HSMS) 1. The overview guessed that learning is predicated on the forerunner scholastic, social, physiological factors. 2. The discoveries of the examination demonstrated that home-related and network related factors have more noteworthy impacts on learning than school related factors, for example, cost per understudy and quantities of course books per understudies. The Congressional Commission on Education Study (EDCOM) 1. Improving the inward ability of the framework to agreeably actualize the established arrangements on instruction 2. Giving the framework vital money related and other foundation bolster 3. Fortifying the system’s linkages with all segments worried in human asset advancement 4. Helping the framework to accomplish its sectoral objectives and focuses through procedures that are predictable with the nation’s advancement objectives. The National Evaluation and Impact Study of PRODED 1. Instructor factor is pivotal in the achievement of the educating learning process 2. There is a need to improve the pre-administration and in-administration preparing of instructors that ought to remember the advancement of abilities for homeroom the board, educator understudy communication, and the utilization of instructional guides, and so on. Checking and Evaluation of RBEC 1. Characterizes what levels of realizing understudies of schools and divisions meet at different phases of the fundamental training cycle dependent on the national educational program. 2. Setting of least national guidelines for capacities, structures, procedures and yield dependent on a format for school improvement forms from intending to usage to observing and assessment 3. Broadly normalized understudy appraisal, results estimation and detailing of fundamental school measurements Presidential Commission on Educational Reform (PCER) 1. Made through E.O. in 1988 to characterize a spending plan achievable program of change, and distinguish official need approach proposals and things for an administrative motivation on instruction. 2. Involved multi sectoral gathering 3. Proposed the foundation of National Education Evaluation and Testing System (NEETS) that accepts accountability for instructive appraisal everything being equal, including specialized and abilities improvement CURRENT TRENDS AND ISSUES BILINGUAL EDUCATION 1. Article 14, organization 7 of 1987 constitution †â€Å"for the reasons for correspondence and guidance, the official dialects of the Philippines are Filipino and until in any case gave by law, English.† 2. DECS Order 52, s. 1987 †the arrangement of bilingual training expects to make each Filipino able in both Filipino and English at the national level 3. DECS characterizes bilingual as â€Å"separate utilization of Filipino and English as media of guidance in explicit subjects.† Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) 1. Workmanship 15, Sec 2, 1987 Phil. Cons. †perceives the â€Å"right of youngsters to help, including legitimate consideration and nourishment, and extraordinary insurance from all types of disregard, misuse, remorselessness, abuse and different conditions biased to their development.† 2. UN Convention on the Rights of Child 3. Training for All (EFA) motivation of DECS, 1990 imagined 90% in 2000 of youth care and advancement either locally situated administrations or kindergarten/nursery classes Other issues 1. Access to pre-school instruction 2. Private Pre-school instruction 3. Worldwide instruction 4. Natural training The K to 12 Program The K to 12 Program covers kindergarten and 12 years of essential training (six years of essential instruction, four years of middle school, and two years of senior secondary school [SHS]) to give adequate time to authority of ideas and aptitudes, create deep rooted students, and get ready alumni for tertiary instruction, center level abilities improvement, work, and business enterprise. The appropriation of the program is in light of the need to improve the seriousness of our country’s graduates as the ten-year fundamental instruction cycle is viewed as insufficient for work and advanced education. Indeed, abroad Filipino specialists are not naturally perceived as expert in different nations that see the ten-year instruction program as lacking. The Philippines is the main nation in Asia and is one of just three nations on the planet with a ten-year fundamental training cycle. 1. General Kindergarten Education. 2. Primary language Based Multilingual Education. 3. Center Academic Areas 4. Specializations. Kinds OF CURRICULUM (PHILIPPINE SETTING) Clear, express, or composed educational program Is just that which is composed as a feature of formal guidance of tutoring encounters? It might allude to an educational plan record, writings, films, and strong instructing materials that are obviously picked to help the purposeful instructional motivation of a school. Accordingly, the clear educational program is generally bound to those composed understandings and headings officially assigned and inspected by managers, educational program chiefs and instructors, frequently altogether. Cultural educational program As characterized by Cortes (1981). Cortes characterizes this educational program as: the monstrous, progressing, casual educational plan of family, peer gatherings, neighborhoods, places of worship associations, occupations, mass, media and other mingling powers that â€Å"educate† we all for the duration of our lives. The covered up or clandestine educational plan That which is inferred by the very structure and nature of schools, quite a bit of what rotates around every day or set up schedules. Longstreet and Shane (1993) offer a normally acknowledged definition for this term. The â€Å"hidden curriculum,† which alludes to the sorts of learning’s kids gets from the very nature and authoritative plan of the state funded school, just as from the practices and mentalities of educators and managers. Instances of the concealed educational plan may incorporate the messages and exercises got from the minor association of schools †the accentuation on: consecutive room courses of action; the phone, planned sections of formal guidance; a yearly timetable that is as yet orchestrated to suit an agrarian age; trained messages where focus likens to understudy practices were they are sitting upright and are persistently calm; understudies getting in and remaining in line quietly; understudies discreetly lifting their hands to be approached; the perpetual rivalry for grades, etc. The shrouded educational program may incorporate both positive or negative messages, contingent upon the models gave and the viewpoints of the student or the spectator. The invalid educational program Those exercises learned through looking the Internet for data, or through utilizing e-types of correspondence. (Wilson, 2004) From Eisner’s point of view the invalid educational program is essentially that which isn't instructed in schools. Some way or another, some place, a few people are enabled to settle on cognizant choices with regards to what is to be incorporated and what is to be prohibited from the plain (composed) From Eisner’s point of view the invalid educational program is essentially that which isn't instructed in schools. By one way or another, some place, a few people are enabled to settle on cognizant choices with regards to what is to be incorporated and what is to be barred from the obvious (composed educational plan. Since it is truly difficult to show everything in schools, numerous themes and branches of knowledge must be purposefully avoided from the composed educational plan. However, Eisner’s position on the â€Å"null curriculum† is that when certain subjects or points are kept separate from the plain educational program, school staff are sending messages to understudies that specific substance and procedures are not significant enough to contemplate. Tragically, without some degree of mindfulness that there is likewise a very much characterized verifiable motivation in schools, school work force send this equivalent kind of message by means of the shrouded educational program. Apparition educational plan The messages predominant in and through presentation to a media. These segments and messages have a significant impact in the enculturation of understudies into the dominating meta-culture, or in acculturating understudies into smaller or generational subcultures. Accompanying educational plan What is instructed, or stressed at home, or those encounters that are a piece of a family’s encounters, or related encounters endorsed by the family. (This sort of educational program might be gotten at chapel, with regards to strict articulation, exercises on qualities, morals or ethics, formed practices, or social encounters dependent on the family’s inclinations.) Rhetorical educational program Components from the expository educational plan are involved from thoughts offered by pol

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Who vs. Whom Which Do I Use

Who vs. Whom Which Do I Use (2) Most people know there is a difference between who and whom, but few remember what it is. In truth, you could go your entire life and only use whom a handful of times, but when those rare grammatical moments strike, if you want to be prepared, we are here to help. ( is also here to help you create citations in MLA format and APA format.) So what is the difference? Who=Subject Who is used when referring to the subject. In other words, who is used for the person doing something in a sentence. For example: Laura bought a gift for Frank. In this sentence, Laura is the subject. Whom=Object Whom is used to refer to the object of an action. More simply put, the object in a sentence has something done to it. For example: Laura bought a gift for Frank. In this sentence, Frank is the object. You may have noticed that there are two objects in this sentence Frank and gift, but remember who and whom are only used when discussing people. How to Ask Who and Whom Questions Once you identify the subject and object of a sentence, creating questions using who and whom is easy. Subject Question Q: Who bought the gift? A: Laura Object Question Q: For whom was the gift bought? A: Frank A Trick Though the process above is simple, it takes some time. To speed things up, the trick is to answer your own question with a full sentence. If the answer is “she” or “he,” use who. If it is “her” or “him” use whom. For example: She bought the gift. (Correct) Her bought the gift. (Incorrect) So the question must be: Who bought the the gift? The gift was bought for him. (Correct) The gift was bought for he. (Incorrect) So the question must be: For whom was the gift bought? Tip: The key to remembering this is that him and whom both end in M. To Whom or Not to Whom In an attempt to sound more educated some people misuse whom. It is often, incorrectly assumed that whom is a more formal version of who, which results in errors like: Alison is a woman whom I believe deserves great respect. (Incorrect) Whom may I say is calling? (Incorrect) The use of whom does add a formal flourish, but using it incorrectly has the opposite effect. A Classic Case of Whom “To Whom it May Concern” is probably the most recognizable use of whom. Before digital communication, it was the go-to introduction for open ended letters like a parent sending an early dismissal letter to school. These days it is recommended to do your research and address your email to a specific person. In rare cases like letters of complaint to a company and open letters of recommendation “To Whom it may Concern” followed by a colon is still appropriate. Whom will probably be completely eclipsed by who in the future, but until then, we hope this guide leaves you feeling confident to use each with whomever you like. Try for your citation needs. Our guides and EasyBib Plus can help you create citations in many styles, show you how to do an in text citation, and easily create a bibliography in works cited format.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Many Sides and Issues of Euthanasia Essay - 6306 Words

The Many Sides and Issues of Euthanasia The purpose of this paper is to show the many sides and issues that deal with the subject of euthanasia or doctor assisted suicide. A questionnaire has been answered by 20 people over the age of 25. The results have been compared to the results taken from a similar study on doctors in Manitoba. Review of the Manitoba Survey: The original study was prepared by Neil Searles, who is a university law student. This study looks at the use of doctor assisted suicide which has rarely been looked at in Canada before. Legally and professionally euthanasia is prohibited, but doctors still, on occasion, perform it. The penalty for euthanasia is a maximum 14 year sentence. It is known that physicians, in†¦show more content†¦52 (2.58) 43-61 n=112 Allowing a patient to die by forgoing or stopping treatment is ethically different from assisting in her or his suicide. 88 (3.50) 82-94 n=112 Pain and Suffering: Proposition Overall Agreement (mean) 95% Confidence Scale Number of Physicians Responding The provision of pain medication is not made less appropriate where it will certainly hasten Death. 95 (3.65) 91 - 99 n=111 The provision of pain medication is not made less appropriate where it will certainly hasten death. 83 (3.28) 76 - 91 n=108 The pain and suffering endured by some terminally ill patients, by continuing nutrition and hydration, can outweigh the benefits of prolonging life. 91 (3.47) 86 - 96 n=107 There is no point in legalizing assisted suicide or euthanasia because a patient can always refuse hydration and nutrition. 34 (2.13) 25 - 43 n=109 Some pain or suffering cannot be treated adequately without rendering a patient unconscious. 71 (2.18) 63 - 78 n=112 Requests for assisted suicide or euthanasia may often come from people who are rational and thinking clearly. 90 (3.33) 84 - 96 n=110 Policy Opinions: Proposition Overall Agreement (mean) 95% Confidence Interval Number of Physicians Responding Allowing euthanasia would cause people to have less faith in physicians. 61 (2.79) 52 - 70 n=111 If assisted suicide and euthanasia are legalized, physicians will be less likely to pursue palliation where a patient desires either assisted suicide or euthanasia 62 (2.59)Show MoreRelatedEssay about The Debate Over Euthanasia1216 Words   |  5 PagesThe Debate Over Euthanasia The controversy over euthanasia has recently become highly publicized. However, this issue is not a new debate. Society has voiced its opinions on the subject for hundreds of years. Euthanasia, which is Greek for good death, refers to the act of ending another person’s life in order to end their suffering and pain.1 Two forms, passive and active euthanasia, categorize the actions taken to end the person’s life. Passive euthanasia involves removing a patient’s lifeRead MoreLife with Suffering or Death: Euthanasia Should be Legalized1497 Words   |  6 PagesEuthanasia is a controversial issue because of the many ethical issues involved. Although, it can provide relief to suffering humans, but the moral standards are stretches for some because they are killing a human being. The proof for why euthanasia should or should not be used came from euthanasia books, that have both a pro and con section to the book. The other information came from euthanasia awareness websites. It could also be an economical way to save families and the government moneyRead MoreThe Centers For Disease Control And Prevention Released1181 Words   |  5 Pagesin The United States, suicide is the 10th leading cause of deaths. As many as 44,193 individuals have died per year, which means there is about 123 suicide deaths a day happening as of now in The United States (â€Å"Suicide Statistics†). This is only the statistics of deaths that have been successful in The United States, it is not counting all suicide deaths around the world nor suicide attempts. This alone is already a major issue everywhere in the world, but recently assisted suicide has come aroundRead More Euthanasia Essay1393 Words   |  6 PagesEuthanasia The term Euthanasia comes from the Greek word for easy death. It is the one of the most public policy issues being debated about today. 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It is crucial to make sure people are using the correct definition of euthanasia, which is â€Å"the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in anRead MoreEuthanasia Or Physician Assisted Suicide961 Words   |  4 PagesEuthanasia or physician assisted suicide, is the painless killing of a patient, suffering from a painful or incurable disease, like cancer, or alzheimer s, the practice is illegal in most countries, including the United States, although in the United States, it is a state decision, the only state in the United States that it is legal in is Oregon. Oregon passed the Death with Dignity Act in 1994, making euthanasia legal for chronically ill patients, the only caveat is that the doctor is allowedRead MoreEuthanasia Essay1243 Words   |  5 PagesEuthanasia In this term paper I have chosen to speak about euthanasia because this is a topic that provokes as much controversy as capital punishment, primarily because it is irreversible. 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They are toldRead MoreThe Right To Die Essay1016 Words   |  5 PagesThe â€Å"Right to Die† (Euthanasia) should be further looked into as an option for terminally ill patients and not considered unethical. There has been an issue concerning the topic of â€Å"Human Euthanasia† as an acceptable action in society. The research compiled in conjunction with an educated opinion will be the basis for the argument for voluntary Euthanasia in this paper. Patients suffering from an incurable illness, exhausting all me dical treatments, should be given the freedom of choice to continue

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Department Of Veterans Affairs - 2230 Words

Introduction The Department of Veterans Affairs is a government run program to assist the U.S. Veterans who are disabled soldiers. It began when the Pilgrims passed a law that required disabled soldiers to receive benefits from the colony, as early as 1636 (U.S. Dept. of VA, 2014). By 1776, the Continental Congress provided pensions to disabled soldiers during the Revolutionary War. Later, the Veterans assistance program expanded to include benefits and pensions not only for Veterans, but also for their widows and dependents. Finally, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) was established in 1865, to form the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, an institution created specifically for the honorably discharged volunteer soldiers, of which the first national home opened in 1866 located in Augusta, Maine (U.S. Dept. of VA, 2014). Today, VHA has expanded the VA health care system, which comprises 150 hospitals, 820 Community-Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOC), 300 Vet Centers, 131 National C emeteries, 56 Veterans Benefits Administration Regional Offices (NCVAS, 2014). The VA health care system also includes 126 nursing home care units and 35 domiciliaries (U.S Dept. of VA, 2014). Nonetheless, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs mission statement is, â€Å"To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise ‘To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan’ by serving and honoring the men and women who are America’s veterans† (U.S. Dept. of VA,Show MoreRelatedThe Department Of Veterans Affairs1654 Words   |  7 PagesThis year has not been kind to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). News in April that several VA facilities were causing veterans to wait months for health care, and some VA officials forced employees to keep fake records to conceal the delays. Gregg Zoroya notes that there were also allegations that the deaths of 40 veterans were caused by the delays at the Phoenix VA hospital, although t he VA contends that they were not â€Å"conclusively† linked. Nonetheless, VA Secretary Eric Shinseki resignedRead MoreDepartment of Veterans Affairs1506 Words   |  7 PagesKingdomware Technologies The Department of Veterans Affairs M.Parks BUS 501 June 10 Kingdomware Technologies amp; the Department of Veterans Affairs Within the GAO there are many examples of reports that deal with contract disputes between private contractors and the government. These disputes often arise from one of the parties failing to comply with the aspects of the contract or in some cases the contractors may feel the government violated particular laws that may have not givenRead MoreThe Department Of Veterans Affairs1257 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) FY 2014-2020 Strategic Plan, outlined the strategic goal to â€Å"Manage and improve VA operations to deliver seamless and integrated support† and established the objective to â€Å"Enhance Productivity and Improve the Efficiency of the Provision of Veterans Benefits and Services.† The MyVA Plan outlines the need to â€Å"Modernize VA’s culture, processes, and capabilities that put the needs, expectations and interests of Veterans and their families firstRead MoreThe Department Of Veterans Affairs889 Words   |  4 PagesThe Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is a health care system that offers programs to benefit veterans and their families. 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I am talking, of course, on the recently discovered problem that has proven to be such scandalous and embarrassing for the Department, the rigging of veteran’s schedules for purposes not pertaining toRead MoreDepartment Of Veterans Affairs Essay892 Words   |  4 Pagesattempts to address some of the issues within the Department of Veterans Affairs but they have fallen short of fixing the systemic problems that are covered up on a daily basis. It has been three years since the latest VA scandals were brought into the light by sympathetic whistleblowers and there are still reports of corruption in the highest ranks of the VA and veterans continue to be denied quality health care that they hav e earned. Millions of veterans have deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan (http://wwwRead MoreEssay on The Department of Veteran Affairs 573 Words   |  3 PagesThe Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) is a public organization that is government provided. The organization funding is produce through taxes. The executive branch of the agency is located in Washington DC and is headed by Secretary of Veteran Affairs. There are Veteran Affairs Offices located in all 50 states, including American Samoa, District of Columbia, Guam, North Marianas Islands, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands. It ranks number two in the United States federal department with over 200Read MoreThe Department of Veterans Affairs Nsqip1336 Words   |  6 Pageslocal centers, to evaluate potential problems and give advice regarding care and performance. †¢ Identification and dissemination of good practices associated with better outcomes. 2. How were benchmark standards established? In 1993, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) conducted the National VA Surgical Risk Study (NVASRS), with the aim of developing and validating risk-adjustment models for the prediction of surgical outcome and the comparative assessment of the quality of surgicalRead MoreThe Department Of Veterans Affairs : A Brief History1337 Words   |  6 PagesThe Department of Veterans Affairs: A Brief History According to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) assistance to our veterans and their families can be traced back to the 1600’s and Plymouth County. A law was passed stating that disabled soldiers would be supported by the colony. The first domiciliary and medical facilities for veterans were established in the 1800’s, followed by benefits and programs for widows and dependents of those killed in action. After World War I benefits were expandedRead MoreDepartment Of Veterans Affairs : Overcoming Barriers1162 Words   |  5 Pages Department of Veterans Affairs: Overcoming Barriers in IT Organizations face numerous barriers in overcoming resistance to change that can improve performance measures, customer service, and the effectiveness of the workforce. For the changes to become efficient and effective, organizations need to develop a strategy that can guide the organization in achieving the desired results. The purpose of the organization’s strategic plan is to align processes with the vision, develop collaboration, foster

Issues of Group in Iium Free Essays

string(38) " it motivates the student to perform\." [pic] English for Academic Writting LE 4000 Dr. Faridah Abdul Malik Section 50 A Study on IIUM Students on the Issues of Group Workings Saiful Bahri ABSTRACT Under organizational behavior comes group behavior, how individual behave when working in group. This paper examines the posible errors that can be found in tasks done in group. We will write a custom essay sample on Issues of Group in Iium or any similar topic only for you Order Now The result showed that some of the errors are done on purpose due to laziness of IIUM students. Although, these students are aware of what causes the problems and what they should avoid to have a free-problem group work but they still manage to do them, either intentionally or unintentionally. Therefore, in reminding them, some ground rules and peer assessment should be adapted in each group. Keywords: free-rider, teamwork, miscommunication, and time management. INTRODUCTION Organizational behavior is the study of individuals and the behaviors they have within an organization and in a workplace setting. It is an interdisciplinary field that includes sociology, psychology, communication and management (Organizational Behavior Introduction, Catherwood Library). Group behavior is a part of the organizational behavior in which it falls under the interdiciplinary field of sociolagy, how individual work in small r large groups. Group behaviour differs from  mass actions  which refers to people behaving similarly on a more global scale while group behaviour refers usually to people in one place and having a coordinated behaviors. The members in a group should each be interdependence (depends on other member’s output as well), have social interaction (there should eithe r be verbal or non-verbal communication), have a perception of a group ( agreeing that they are a part of a group) and mush have common in purpose (to achieve the same goal). Working in groups have their advantages, one of them being, having a collective set of ideas. Having many people working on the same work allows the work to get not only your input but also from others in the group. This increases the quality, reliability and validity of the work. Although, problems may arise as well, as individuals have their own behaviors and may not be compatible with other people, and that then will effect the quality of your group work’s output. The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the possible errors that can be found in tasks done in groups. In details, the objectives that i want to reach is: 1. to understand how miscommunications can happen in a group among the IIUM students, . to determine whether IIUM students work together when given a group assignment, 3. to understand how time becomes a big constraint when working in groups among the IIUM students. Some terms that may be found in this paper are free-riders, teamwork, miscommunication, and time management. †¢ Free-rider A person that is in a group but not doing any work but still get rewards and benefits from the work done. †¢ Teamwork The collective work that members in a group put in to accomplish the assignment (task/job) that is given to their group. Each one of them gives contribution and work together in harmony in doint the work. Miscommunication When the members are not interacting among each other in doing the work, each are working separately, not knowing the growth of their work and not refereing to one another when one has reached a dead end with their work. †¢ Time management The way that a person manages or allocate their time in doing specific things in terms of whether they are on-time or not. LITERATURE REVIEW Working in groups are complicated because one has to adapt to all behaviors of the group members and if one cannot adapt, problems will start to rise. Some students are used to working alone all the time, therefore they will have difficulties in working in group. They will have to listen to other’s ideas, accept them, know how to interact and so much more. Like what Whatley (2009) said, without experience in group working, it will be hard for students to overcome the problems of working in group in which it will show in the quality output of your group’s work. Although, these students may not have the experience, their group members whom might have some (experience), may teach them or can lead the group knowing what and how to do it. This is the best part of working in groups, the students get to learn from one another. Leaning on one another in the group allows issues to be solved that arises from group work, the students should together come up with some basic rules that each should agree on and follow. If problems are left unsolved or undealt with, it may either grow bigger causing more and more problem but if lucky it would just go away. In either way, the members will be affected as they will feel some tension going around and might not perform as well as they could have. It is possible to go through the motion of a team project exercise and still not learn fundamental lessons about the essence of working in teams, ranging from communication skill to the ability to motivate others (Wolfe, Student Attitudes toward Team Projects). In the study of Dunne and Rawlins (2000), Hansen (2006) and Prichard, Stratford, Bizo (2006) taken by Whatley (2009), it is known that a team project in higher level of education can provide a safe environment for learning about group working, with the help of guidance as a base for them to work on. Ford Morice (2003), suggests that a micro management strategy should be opted in group assignments that would teach the students about how to act in when in group so that they can prepare themselves for when they enter the workforce. From Chang (1999), in the study, it was found that most students participated well and put effort in the group because they will be assessed by their fellow group members. Therefore, in the ground rules, assessment should be included, too, as Chang (1999) study showed how it motivates the student to perform. You read "Issues of Group in Iium" in category "Papers" Running on ground rules, communication should be highlighted and stressed on it’s importance when working in group. In cases of free-riders or not distributing equal work among the group members, they should voice out and let other members know how you feel about it and how unfair it is for that to happen. They need to communicate amongst themselves and take part in doing the work. Whether the communications are done in all direction, horizontally or vertically, what is important is that it should be clearly communicated and spoken in language and terms that is able to be understood. Not only should communication be put in the ground rule but also the importance of time management. Therefore, as Whatley (2009) said, to ensure trust in the group, they (the group members) should agree on some ground rules and follow them. From Whatley (2009) again, she had mentioned that in gaining consensus among all the group members, a group must have some face-to-face meeting as well as having selecting some ground rules in order to have a clear and ambiguous communication in the group. â€Å"Conflict involves negotiation, whether it resulted in a Win-Lose or a Win-Win outcome. Naturally a Win-Win outcome is preferred. † (Chang, 1999) Free-rider is a serious problem in group work. Students who do not contribute effort and input will effect the other members emotionally, though, most times they do not show. It is very unfortunate that the student still have the decency of wanting their name to be included on submited work. It is all too possible to for students to let others do the heavy lifting of a team project, and yet reap the benefits of the eventual outcome (Wolfe, Student Attitudes toward Team Projects). It is possible for high levels of individual accomplishment to go unrewarded, or even punished, as a result of the factors beyong their control (Wolfe, Student Attitudes toward Team Projects). Yes, tonnes and tonnes of problems may arise from group work, but it offers some beneficial rewards also. For example, one get to share it’s ideas among the othe groupmates and in turn gets some ideas or feedbacks back from their groupmates. Futhermore, doing work in group eases the workload one has to do if is working alone. In groups, tasks are divided among all members and each are given own responsibilies in the group. From Ford Morice (2003) findings, they found that even though students frequently encounter problems working in group but they would still prefer to work in group rather than individually. This shows that, eventhough they had problems but having the knowledge and ideas being shared in groups are more important that it can scratch out the negative side of group work to them. After conducting a statistical analysis on the test scores, it was found that students who participated in collaborative learning had performed significantly better on the critical- thinking test than students who studied individually (Gokhale, 1995). RESEARCH METHODOLGY This section discusses the methodology of the research. The main purpose of the research is to investigate to investigate the possible errors that can be found in tasks done in groups. To evaluate and assess the student of IIUM, 20 students were selected randomly. Data for the research were collected through questionnaire. This research uses only the quantitative research methodology. The instrument used to collect the data was questionnaire. A set of questionnaire containing 18 questions are divided into 4 sections was newly developed. Different question types, such as, ranking, yes-no, and open-ended were used in the questionnaire. The different sections of the questionnaire were: i) Background , ii) Communication , iii) Team work iv) Time management. The respondents of the study were the undergraduate students of IIUM from different kulliyyahs. On 3rd December 2011, a total of 20 questionnaires were distributed to IIUM students at different kulliyyahs and all questionnaire was returned. Of these number, 11 were male and the rest, 9, were female. No approval was needed in handing out the questionnaires in IIUM. During the actual study, questionnaire were distributed at various locations on campus, such as Economics Cafe’, KENMS, mahallah, HS kulliyyah and etc. Data were entered into the computer and analyzed using excel. Results were presented through frequency counts and other descriptive statistics. FINDINGS From the data collected, 11 of the respondents were male and nine of them were female, in which there were five of them who were 20 years old, two were 21 years old, seven respondents were 22 years old, two respondents were 23 years old and four of them were 24 years old. Most of the respondents are Malaysian, totaling to seven of them and the rest were Singaporean (four), Kyrgyz (three), Vietnamese (three), Indonesian (two) and Siamese (one). Most of the respondents were from Kulliyyah of Economics (six), one were from Kulliyyah of IRK, one from Architecture, one from Law, another one from Education, four being from HS, two were engineering students and the remaining four were from Kulliyyah of ICT. In which four of the respondents were first year students, another four were in their second year, seven being a third year student and five were in the fourth year of studying in IIUM. Figure 1: Student’s thought on group works [pic] Figure 1 shows the percentage of rankings on what students of IIUM think about group works, whether they like it or they prefer to work individually. As seen in the figure above, only 10% did not like working in groups whereas 25% said it was less preferred. 25% ranked them to be neutral on the issue, while another 25% and 15% of the respondents saying it is preferable and most preferable to work in groups, consequtively. Figure 2: Student’s preferred communication method [pic] Table 1: Communication method ranking |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 | |Call |0 |0 |3 |8 |9 | |Text |0 |0 |2 |5 |13 | |Email/Chatroom |13 |4 |2 |1 |0 | |Meet |7 |7 |6 |0 |0 | | | | | | | | Although, from Figure 2 and Table 1, the respondents showed otherwise. In Figure 2, comparison between the ‘Most prefered’ and ‘Not prefered’ ranks on the communication method is shown just to have clearer view of those who prefered to work in group and those who do not. The data in the table shows the whole data gathered on about how they really communicate with their groupmates. Figure 3 below shows the percentage on the students’ opinion to why miscommunication happens among their group members, in which most of them said because of misunderstanding, that is misinterpreting what one another is saying. 0% of them said because of language barrier (having hard time to commute in mutual language), 20% said it is because there are lack of meetings and the remaining 15% ticked ‘Others’. Those who ticked ‘Others’ said that because they are not able to accept other’s ideas and views. Figure 3 [pic] Figure 4: Experience with free-riders [pic] Figure 4 is for the section on teamwork. In which this figure shows the number of respondents having experience to grouping with a free-rider. As shown, 11 of them said they have and the rest never had. Apart from that, 35% of the respondents said yes that al l their members assigned the tasks equally, 10% does not and the highest percentage (55%) said only in some of their groups gives equal work and their other group does not. Refering to the questionnaire, Question 13 is similar to question 12, this is to make sure that there is reliability in the respondents’ answers, and there is. Basically, for those who answered that ‘only some of their group give out equal tasks’ (55% being 11 in number) said they were given extra tasks. These datas charts can be refered to in the appendix as Figure 7 and 8. Figure 5: Reason for finishing work late [pic] For the time management section, 15 of the respondents said yes it does take a long time for them to finish only their part. Interpreting that into percentage, 75% said yes (can be refered to Figure 9 in the appendix). Figure 5 above are data from those 75% that answered yes to taking a long period to finish own part, those who answered yes only answer this question. Therefore, seven of them said they are busy with other assignments, five says because the assignment is complicated therefore they need longer time and another three said they are just lazy to do their part earlier. Figure 6: Reasons for late to meetings [pic] In Figure 6, not all 20 respondents are being analyzed on, only thos who answered yes in showing up on-time to group meetings are being analyzed, that is 60%, the other 40% does not come on-time. For a better picture, this data is graphed into Figure 10 in the appendix. Moving on, most of these respondents said they come late because they are busy with other things, four of them said they do not like to be on-time, another four said things always comes up during those times and five of them do nont normally check the time therefore it is either their luck that they came on-time or not. Apart from asking about the respondents coming on-time, from the collected data none of the respondents’ other groupmates comes early to all meetings, but 7 said their group came early to most meetings, ten said their members came early to some of the meetings and the remaining three said none of them ever came early. DISCUSSION Under the communication part, it can be seen that with 20% respondents saying lack of meetings leads to miscommunication and not almost but all respondents agreed that the best communication method would be meetings. With that, looking at what they answered for the rest of communication part’s question, knowingly that face-to-face meetings are crucial, most of them only communicate through emails and chatrooms leaving with only seven respondents who actually is walking the talk (doing the meetings). This is supported by Whatley (2009), she had mentioned that in gaining consensus among all the group members, a group must have some face-to-face meeting as well as having selecting some ground rules in order to have a clear and ambiguous communication in the group. Miscommunication happens when they meet less, have language barrier, misunderstand one another, and being unable to accept what others have to say. These seven respondents sees the importance of ‘teamwork’ in accomplishing group works, therefore, they have them. From the analysis, the IIUM students have the awareness on the importance of having quality communication but somehow they are lazy in actually doing the things that would increase their communication’s quality. By having this meet-ups, all miscommunication can be overcome, even with language barrier, (if and only if the group members do not keep quiet about how they feel and what problems they ecounter with the group or task being assigned) when they have meet-ups and talk out their problems, and making sure each and every members understands the task they are being assigned. One of this paper’s research objective is to determine whether the IIUM students work together in their group, the obvious data that is graphed into Figure 8, shows that 55% of the respondents had been given extra tasks. From the datas gathered it can be seen that there are still those who free-rides on group assignment. Up to 11 respondents have had free-riders as their group member and all of the respondents said their group members would care if there was a free-rider in the group. Free-riders do not do any work, therefore when a free-rider exist in a group, tasks are not being allocated equally among all members as some of them have to do the task that was assigned to the free-rider. Proving this by the 55% of respondents saying yes that in some groups only that tasks were being distributed equally, other way of looking at it is that some does not distribute equally and another 10% said none of their group ever equally distribute them. Obviously, all members would not know that there is a free-rider until reaching to the compilation date, in which the free-rider do not have any work to send and would be giving excuses for it instead of doing it, and those members who care so much for the assignment would be doing the free-rider’s part of the work. Here are some statements to prove this. It is all too possible for students to let others do the heavy lifting of a team project, and yet reap the benefits of the eventual outcome (Wolfe, Student Attitudes toward Team Projects). It is possible for high levels of individual accomplishment to go unrewarded, or even punished, as a result of the factors beyond their control (Student Attitudes toward Team Projects). Looking at the time management aspect of the IIUM students, they are very undisciplined in finishing and submiting their part to other member, with a 75% of the respondents says they are usually late. Making their reasons to be because they are busy with other things, the assignment is complicated, and some even said they are just too lazy to get it done early. These students with this mentality (lazy to get assignment done early) are bad to be having in a group because they like to do things at the very last minute and with constraint in time, quality of work production would definitly not reach the standard. Although, in terms of being on-time at meetings, these respondents showed otherwise. Majority of them are on-time meaning that they do have time management under control. In some aspects the IIUM students are good with time management and in some they are bad. As proven by Chang (1999), in her study, she found that most students participated well and put effort in the group because they will be assessed by their fellow group members. In the peer assessment form, how each member manages their time in coming to meetings or submiting work on-time, should be included as this will motivate the students to manage their time better. CONCLUSION This study investigates the posible errors that are found in group work. It includes a bit on the importance of teamwork, how to overcome the issues and why the issues rise in the first place. The objectives of this study is to understand how miscommunications can happen in a group among the IIUM students, to determine whether IIUM students work together when given a group assignment, to understand how time becomes a big constraint when working in groups among the IIUM students. In overall, the findings shown that the IIUM students know the importance of group work, how to eliminate problems and so on so forth but they still do not do the things that will cut out problems. Like in time management, the respondents know that that should be one of the things to be disciplined on but still they do not submit or come on-time due to valid reasons or simply because they are lazy. All the communication, team work and time management are crucial issues that are linked to each other in a certain way. The IIUM students have to overcome the miscommunication problems because when working real jobs later, it is crucial to have a smooth flow of communication amongst all members, because work cannot be completed with quality without communication. Therefore, these students have to start training themselves from now so that it would not affect them later in working life. Without communication, there would be no team work. Without teamwork, tasks are harder to be accomplised bacause the reason they are being given to work in groups because it would create a better work outcome having variety of ideas coming from each members and that it would quicken up the complition time of the assignment because tasks are divided. Therefore, serious actions should be taken on free-riders because they create dissatisfaction among all the other members in which will lead to stress and tension among the members. Some ideas on how to iradicate some of the group work problems as were shown in Chang (1999), in which peer assessments were done on each group members, in which they have to be honest and truthful about each comment. As for the limitations that were encountered in finishing this research, in which there were not many, searching for articles and journals to do reviews on was a bit of a fuss. To find the ones that are compatible and having some point being similar to this research was difficult, although successfully, some was found. APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE The data to be collected will be used for academic purposes under the subject LE 4000, strictly. Background 1. Gender:( ) Male( ) Female 2. Age:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 3. Nationality:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 4. Kulliyyah:( ) Economics ( ) IRK( ) HS( ) Architecture ( ) Engineering( ) ICT( ) Law( ) Education 5. Level of study:1/2/3/4 Communication For Q6 Q7, rank them with these; 5 = most prefered, 4 = prefered, 3 = neutral, 2 = less prefered, 1 = not prefered 6. With you working in groups are:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 7. Your communication method:( ) Call( ) Text( ) Email/Chatroom( ) Meet 8. Which do you think is the best communication method? (Among the methods given in Q8) †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 9. In your opinion, why miscommunication happen? ( ) Lack of meeting( ) Language barrier( ) misunderstanding( ) Others Specify others: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Team work 10. Have you had any free-rider as a groupmate? ( ) Yes( ) No 11. Does your other groupmates care that there is a free-rider/s in the group? ( ) Yes( ) No 12. Do you and your groups equally distribute the work? ( ) Yes( ) No( ) In some groups, yes 13. Have you ever been given extra task to do in the group? ) Yes( ) No Time management 14. Does it take a long time to finish your part of your group assignment? ( ) Yes( ) No 15. If you answered ‘Yes’ to Q15, why so: ( ) Busy with other assignment( ) Complicated assignment ( ) Too lazy to get it done early 16. Are you always on-time for your group me etings? ( ) Yes( ) No 17. If you answered ‘No’, why so: ( ) Don’t keep track of time( ) Busy with other things ( )Things always come up( ) Don’t like to come early 18. How many of your groupmates usually come on-time to group meetings? ( ) All( ) Most( ) Some( ) None Thank you for your time. Figure 7: Equal work distribution pic] Figure 8: Extra task given [pic] Figure 9: Needs long time to complete task [pic] Figure 10: On-time to meetings [pic] REFERENCES Whatley, J. (2009). Ground Rules in Team Projects: Findings from a Prototype System to Support Student. Journal of Information Technology Education, 8, 161-176. Ford, M. Morice, J. (2003). How Fair are Group Assignments? A Survey of Students and Faculty and a Modest Proposal. Journal of Information Technology Education, 2, 367-378. Gokhale, A. A. (1995). Collaborative Learning Enhances Critical Thinking. Journal of Technology Education, 7(1). Chang, V. (1999). How can conflict within a group be managed ? In K. Martin, N. Stanley and N. Davison (Eds),  Teaching in the Disciplines/ Learning in Context, 59-66. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Teaching Learning Forum, The University of Western Australia, February 1999. Wolfe A. M. (n. d. ). Student Attitudes toward Team Projects. Organizational Behavior. http://www. ilr. cornell. edu/library/research/subjectguides/organizationalbehavior. html Group Behavior. Wikipedia. 10 November 2011. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Group_behaviour Nishan Wimalachandra. Organizational Behavior. www. nishanw. org Jex, S. M. , Britt, T. W. (2008). Organizational Psychology: A Scientist-Practitioners Approach. Wiley; 2 Edition. How to cite Issues of Group in Iium, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Legalizing Marijuanna Essays - Drug Control Law, Drug Culture

Legalizing Marijuanna Legalizing Marijuana The purpose of this paper is to discuss marijuana and compare both sides of the issue of legalizing marijuana. We have two opposite opinions fighting each other, those who are pro marijuana and those who are anti-marijuana. These two sides have been fighting on this issue for years. Pro marijuana legalization groups such as the Physician's Association for AIDS Care argue that marijuana should be legalized in order to treat terminally ill patients. Among them are AIDS victims who find that marijuana stimulates their appetites so they can fight off dangerous illnesses. Glaucoma sufferers who have used marijuana said it has prevented them from going blind, and for cancer patients it has helped to relieve severe nausea that often is a side-effect of chemotherapy and sometimes makes lifesaving treatment impossible. Also, many advocates who are pro marijuana complain that morphine and cocaine are legal and are very dangerous drugs, that brings up the question why not legalize marijuana as medical drug which is proven to be less dangerous than cocaine and morphine. Lobbying groups in a San Diego, California, council committee unanimously voted to urge president Bill Clinton and congress to end federal restrictions against the use of marijuana for legitement medical use. Marijuana can be a drug of necessity in the treatment of AIDS, glaucoma, cancer and multiple sclerosis. Many agencies, which are anti marijuana, such as Drug Enforcement Agency and police departments, argue that marijuana shouldn't be legalized. These agencies believe that marijuana shouldn't be legalized because if marijuana is to become legal then it will become much easier for people who do not need the drug to acquire it. Then people will raise the question why is marijuana illegal at all if its a medicine. The main reason why the Drug Enforcement Agency doesn't want marijuana to be legal is because there is no hard core evidence that proves that marijuana is an effective drug as a medicine. In twe nty years of research have produced no reliable scientific proof that marijuana has medical value. The American Cancer Society, American Glaucoma Society, the National Multiple Sclerosis, the American Academy of Ophthalmology, or the American Medical Association, say that their is no evidence that marijuana is a medicine. The agencies also argues that no other drug prescribed is smoked and that knew findings show that marijuana is acutely harmful to AIDS, Cancer patients because the active ingredient in marijuana acutely reduces the bodies white blood cells which fight off infection. The Drug Enforcement Agency along with police departments all over the United States believe, with the legalization of drugs, crime will increase due to a higher increase of pot users which will eventually become addicts and will still or kill in order to get their drugs. These are the main points and reasons why the Drug named marijuana shouldn't be legalized in the United States of America. Bibliography na Current Events

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Address the Problem of Global Warming

Address the Problem of Global Warming Free Online Research Papers The numbers are striking. No region of the world will be unaffected if Global Warming continues to increasingly grow. Yet day after day people take actions that can change the earth and its climate in significant ways. Many people just stand motionless as the wave of climate change becomes more apparent. The IPCC predicts that during the next century, the average rate of warming will be greater than anything seen in the last 10,000 years. Global sea levels could rise by at least fifteen and perhaps as much as ninety-five centimeters. Surface temperatures could increase by between 1.0 and 3.5 degrees Celsius. With climate change there will be an even greater complexity with water resources in every branch of the globe. Nineteen countries are under strain for deficiency of water. This figure is expected to double by the year 2025 even if the climate does not change. The present rate of extinction for birds, animals and plants is already between 50 and 100 times the natural one. If the current rate of deforestation in the tropics continues this would go up, potentially, to 1,000 to 10,000 times the natural extinction rate within the next 30 years. If global warming occurs, every thing and everyone will be affected in some way. An increase of just 0.2% in the solar output could have the same affect as doubling the carbon dioxide in the Earths atmosphere. On average most places will be warmer which will cause changes in the quantity and pattern of rain. Everything in the natural environment will all be affected. If a blanket of air did not surround the Earth, it would be much too cold for human habitation. Earth’s atmosphere acts as a shield. Small amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere, help to retain heat in a crucial process known as the greenhouse effect. Sunlight passes through the atmosphere and strikes the Earth, some of the light is reflected and some of the light is absorbed. The absorbed light warms the surface of the Earth. The heated surface then radiates infrared light into the atmosphere, where small amounts of carbon dioxide keep the radiation from escaping. Since prehistoric times, carbon dioxide has helped to regulate the temperature of the Earth. Due to the burning of large amounts of coal, oil, and natural gas, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has nearly doubled over the past one hundred years. As we all know, trees remove carbon dioxide from the air as part of their natural processes. As human being cut down forests, the capacity of trees to remove carbon dioxide from the air is diminished. It is believed that as we continue to burn large amounts of fossil fuels, and deplete our forests, the greenhouse effect will result in Global Warming. Scientists warn that the Earths average surface temperature could increase by five degrees Celsius over the next century A warming trend of only a few degrees could cause a melting of the polar ice caps, resulting in increased ocean levels and flooding of coastal cities. United Nations programs and organizations actively focus on global warming to stifle the ever more evident battle of Global Warming. The ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement that aims to diminish the discharge of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, has shed new light into the ongoing battle of Global Warming. Under the 1997 protocol, 38 industrialized nations are committed to cut their greenhouse gas emissions to an average of 5.2 percent below 1990 levels by the period 2008-2012. The United States, the largest emitter of greenhouse gases, pledged to reduce its emissions to seven percent below 1990 levels, while the European Union pledged to reduce its emissions by eight percent below its 1990 levels. Developed countries have been previously responsible for the majority of the Earth’s greenhouse-gas emissions. It is enormously critical that industrialized countries should carry on with their treaties and contracts to pave the way on climate change. Developed countries should serve as a model to under industrialized countries. â€Å"The ultimate objective of the Convention on Climate Change is to achieve a stable level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that will avoid dangerous interference with the climate system. Even stabilization at a little above present level will require significant cuts in global emissions next century. The dilemma facing us is how to achieve that at the same time as improving living standards throughout the developed and developing worlds.† Trading emissions credits, received by companies that surpass authorized emissions cuts, is one of the systems encouraged by the protocol for combating global warming. But the Kyoto Protocol will not take effect until it is ratified by fifty-five percent of the nations emitting at least fifty-five percent of six greenhouse gases that trap the sun’s heat close the Earth’s surface. A report commissioned by the United States Department of Energy demonstrates that â€Å"Companies can reduce their emissions through energy efficiency measures and save costs. Capital turnover during the next 15 years will allow industry to introduce cleaner technology with lower emissions at little extra cost.† Lower emissions are often united with other environmental enhancements, such as improved air quality. â€Å"Emissions trading has become the policy of choice for addressing climate change in nations around the globe, finds a new report from the Pew Center on Global Climate Change. The report concludes that, while the greenhouse gas emissions market remains fragmented, trading activity has increased around the world over the last five years.† Many major corporations are already indicating that emissions’ trading is a very moneymaking and lucrative means to ease greenhouse gas ejection. Some authors estimate that â€Å"approximately 65 greenhouse gas trades for quantities above 1,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide have occurred worldwide since 1996.† This outline includes trades of actual emissions cutbacks as well as financially based reductions. The authors also warn that local and national trading programs are working under different rules, which could delay the formation of a united market and boost the costs of trading. â€Å"With the level of greenhouse gas emissions in the Asia-Pacific region increasing, measures to curb the effects of these emissions are urgently needed. A model†¦is being developed to coordinate efforts for greenhouse gas emissions forecasting, the analysis of the results of measures to curb emissions, and the evaluation of the effects of global warming. Forecasts on global warming are being used to develop another model to evaluate the phenomenons effect on water resources, plant life, human health, and agriculture.† President George Bushs new global warming plan was announced on February 14 of 2002. Officials at the World Resources Institute declared that the plan was said to increase greenhouse gas emissions by fourteen percent, which was later followed by some skeptics as misleading information. Certain organizations stress the need for an accurate system that institutes a suitable emissions foundation for greenhouse gases. One such program fulfilling the concept and that has been used in the past is voluntary emissions reporting. Reporting programs that not only attract practical companies, but also draw basic fundamental corporations, should be considered a necessary dynamic characteristic. A strategy by which communities seek economic development and benefit the local environment is known as sustainable development. Societies have found that they are creating, rather than solving, environmental problems by traditional approach. Sustainable development offers long lasting solutions. The future depends on how well we balance social, economic, and environmental goals, and this is what sustainable development suggests â€Å"Sustainability refers to the ability of a society, ecosystem, or any such ongoing system to continue functioning into the indefinite future without being forced into decline through exhaustion. . . of key resources. With the many questions and unanswered problems that Global Warming encompasses, market-based measures and other actions of the sort must be achieved in order to establish safety and security on Earth. In the world’s pursuit of economic growth, we must treat our world with pure motives with chaste solutions. It is absolutely mandatory that the nations of the world work multilaterally to not only address the problem of Global Warming, but also resolve and decipher the crisis that it withholds. Marco D’Angelo Research Papers on Address the Problem of Global WarmingRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andThe Spring and AutumnGenetic EngineeringMind TravelDefinition of Export QuotasPETSTEL analysis of IndiaAnalysis Of A Cosmetics Advertisement19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in Capital

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Biography of Alphonse Mucha, Czech Art Nouveau Artist

Biography of Alphonse Mucha, Czech Art Nouveau Artist Alphonse Mucha (July 24, 1860–July 14, 1939) was a Czech illustrator and painter. He is best-remembered for his Art Nouveau posters of plays staged in Paris featuring Sarah Bernhardt, one of the greatest actors of all time. Late in his career, he created the 20 monumental paintings that are known as the Slav Epic depicting the history of Slavic people. Fast Facts: Alphonse Mucha Occupation: ArtistBorn: July 24, 1860 in Ivancice, Austria-HungaryDied: July 14, 1939 in Prague, CzechoslovakiaEducation: Munich Academy of Fine ArtsSelected Works: Sarah Bernhardt theater posters, La Plume magazine covers, The Slav Epic (1910-1928)Notable Quote: Art exists only to communicate a spiritual message. Early Life Born to a working-class family in southern Moravia, then a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and now part of the Czech Republic, Alphonse Mucha demonstrated a talent for drawing as a young boy. At the time, access to paper was considered a luxury, but a local shop owner who was impressed with Muchas talent provided it for free. In 1878, Alphonse Mucha applied to attend the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, but he was unsuccessful. In 1880, at age 19, he traveled to Vienna and found work as an apprentice scenery painter in local theaters. Unfortunately, the Ringtheater, one of Muchas companys key clients, burned in 1881, and Mucha found himself jobless. He traveled back to Moravia and met Count Khuen Belasi who became the young artists patron. With funding from Count Khuen, Alphonse Mucha enrolled in the Munich Academy of Fine Arts. Art Student and Parisian Success Mucha moved to Paris in 1888. He enrolled first in the Academie Julian and then in the Academie Colarossi. After meeting many other struggling artists including Czech illustrator Ludek Marold, Alphonse Mucha began working as a magazine illustrator. The magazine work brought in regular income. Alphonse Mucha became friends with the artist Paul Gauguin, and, for a time, they shared a studio. He also grew close to the Swedish playwright August Strindberg. In addition to his magazine illustration work, Mucha began providing pictures for books. Work With Sarah Bernhardt In late 1894, Alphonse Mucha was in the right place at the right time. Sarah Bernhardt, one of the worlds most famous actors, contacted the publishing house Lemercier to create a poster for her latest play Gismonda. Mucha was at the publishing house when the manager Maurice de Brunhoff received the call. Because he was available and said he could complete the work in two weeks, Brunhoff asked Mucha to create a new poster. The result was a more than life-size rendering of Sarah Bernhardt in the lead role in the play. Sarah Bernhardt in La Plume magazine. Buyenlarge / Getty Images The poster caused a sensation on the streets of Paris. Sarah Bernhardt ordered four thousand copies of it, and she signed Alphonse Mucha to a six-year contract. With his work displayed all over Paris, Mucha was suddenly famous. He became the designer of the official posters of each Bernhardt play. Enjoying the sudden increase in income, Mucha moved to a three-bedroom apartment with a large studio. Art Nouveau Success as a poster designer for Sarah Bernhardt brought Alphonse Mucha many other illustration commissions. He created a wide range of advertising posters for products from baby food to bicycles. He also provided cover illustrations for the magazine La Plume, a famous artistic and literary review published in Paris. His style featured women in lavish natural surroundings often swathed in flowers and other organic forms. Alphonse Mucha was a central artist in the emerging Art Nouveau style. Art nouveau advertisement for Waverley Cycles. Corbis Historical / Getty Images The Paris Universal Exposition of 1900 included a massive showcase of Art Nouveau. The work of many French designers in the style appeared, and many of the buildings constructed for the exposition included Art Nouveau design. Alphonse Mucha applied to the Austro-Hungarian government to create murals for the Bosnia and Herzegovina pavilion at the expo. After the government rejected his plan to create paintings depicting the suffering of the Slavic peoples of the area under foreign powers, he created a more upbeat salute to traditions of the Balkan region that included Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to his murals, Muchas work appeared in many other parts of the exposition. He created displays for jeweler Georges Fouquet and perfume maker Houbigant. His drawings were featured in the Austrian pavilion. Pleased with Muchas work, Austro-Hungarian emperor Franz Joseph I knighted him. He also earned the Legion of Honor from the French government. After the exposition, Georges Fouquet hired Mucha to design his new shop in Paris. It opened in 1901 featuring Art Nouveau-inspired decoration. The Slav Epic While continuing his work on illustrations in the first decade of the twentieth century, Alphonse Mucha did not give up on creating murals depicting the suffering of the Slavic people. He traveled to the U.S. in 1904 hoping to find funding for his project. He returned to Paris two months later, but, in 1906, he went back to the U.S. and stayed for three years. During the stay in the U.S., Mucha earned income as an instructor including a stint as a visiting professor at the Art Institute of Chicago. However, he did not find the patronage he needed and returned to Europe in 1909. Fortune shined on Mucha in February 2010. While in Chicago, he met Charles Richard Crane, heir to a fortune from his father who sold plumbing parts. Nearly a year after Mucha returned to Europe, Crane finally agreed to fund the creation of what became known as the Slav Epic. He also agreed to gift the finished pieces to the Prague government upon completion. Panel of Master Jan Hus Preaching at the Bethlehem Chapel (. Hulton Fine Art Collection / Getty Images Mucha worked on the 20 paintings that make up the Slav Epic for 18 years from 1910 through 1928. He worked through World War I and the proclamation of the new Republic of Czechoslovakia. The completed set of paintings was shown once during Muchas lifetime in 1928. They were then rolled up and put into storage. They survived World War II and were placed on public display in 1963. They were moved to the National Gallerys Veletzni Palace in Prague, the Czech Republic in 2012. Personal Life and Legacy Alphonse Mucha married Maria Chytilova in 1906 in Prague just before traveling to the U.S. Their daughter Jaroslava was born in New York in 1909. She also gave birth to a son Jiri in Prague in 1915. Jaroslava worked as an artist, and Jiri worked to promote his fathers art and serve as an authority on Alphonse Muchas biography. In early 1939, the German army arrested and interrogated 78-year-old Alphonse Mucha after they occupied Czechoslovakia. He died of pneumonia on July 14, 1939, less than two months before the start of World War II. He is buried in Prague. Although during his lifetime, Alphonse Mucha fought efforts to tie him directly to Art Nouveau, his images are part of the definition of the style. By the time of his death, he took the greatest pride in his historical paintings. Muchas work was out of style at the time of his death, but it is very popular and well-respected today. Source Husslein-Arco, Agnes. Alphonse Mucha. Prestel, 2014.

Friday, February 14, 2020

More on Thinking Well Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

More on Thinking Well - Essay Example Even such informal writing as blogging has a certain structure with its own requirements of links between sentences and paragraphs, that are much different from the requirements of formal writing, but it is this difference that distinguishes blogging from the formal writing. Without a proper structure or proper linkage between the sentences and paragraphs, a piece of writing is just a mess of words, conveying ideas in a haphazard manner, thus making it taxing for the readers to continue reading and leaving them confused and undone. Besides, writing any kind of paper is baseless if it does not serve the purpose. Every kind of writing whether it is a letter, legal writing, or a journal paper has a set of principles that must be adhered to so that the writing qualifies in that category. Writers make utmost effort to conform to those principles so that it is accepted for publishing in the intended

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Design - Essay Example ; the contribution of the research to the field and to the society; the value of the research to the researcher; and how the research will be perceived. In carrying out the design project, design methods have been sought that can be relevant throughout the design process. This implies gathering the necessary design literatures. When it comes to online search for design literatures, the key word for the search will be ‘design method’ even though this is expected to generate general results, some not related with the design subject being handled. Both secondary and primary sources will be used in the process so as to develop a concrete project that fully satisfies the vision and mission of the project. Given the magnitude of the project, stakeholder involvement in the setting the mission and vision is very critical (Clarke, 2008). As such, a meeting with key stakeholders will be necessary. Additionally, a diverse team will be assembled which will be instrumental in implementing the vision and mission of the project. Further, scenarios of user experience will be explored; the target group defined in terms of gender, age an d income range, where they live, their culture and their general preferences. Even as the project will be ongoing, more literatures will be assessed to further enhance creativity and expand the scope of ideas in terms of design. Given the nature of the project, strategic thinking will be of critical importance in ensuring that critical business assumptions are not missed (Gordon et al., 1998). It will also enable better conception of ways of managing the project. Establishing a strategic story would add value to the project and create a measure of uniqueness that will distinguish the project from the rest. Reading the book â€Å"The Business Model Canvas†, some vital questions regarding the personal project have emerged. Using the building blocks mentioned above, systematic strategic plan that is highly likely to result in the successful

Friday, January 24, 2020

The Stress of Childhood Gymnastics Essay -- Sports

The Stress of Childhood Gymnastics   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For years gymnastics has been a sport that many children participate in. But as the years have gone by it has turned into something other than a place for kids to grow and learn. Its overwhelming commitment has continued to replace kids’ childhoods with stress, mental and physical pain and eating disorders. Many results have come from this change in the gymnastics society. Gymnasts have come to a point where they have been told and directed to understand that winning is the only important factor in gymnastics. â€Å" It’s about the elite child athlete and the American obsession with winning that has produced a training environment wherein results are bought in at any cost, no matter how devastating. It’s about how cultural fixation on beauty and weight on youth has shaped the sport and driven the athletes into a sphere beyond the quest for physical performance.† (Ryan 5)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As a society we have the ability to change the ways in which our elite gymnasts are learning gymnastics. We need to redirect the teachings of the coaches and the parent involvement in order to achieve a atmosphere in which gymnasts can explore, learn and gain gymnastic abilities in which they feel they can handle. â€Å" Over the last 20 years there have been many publications on coaching as it relates to sport psychology or sport pedeology. No theoretical framework, however, exsits for explaining which factors are most important in the coaching process and which relationships among these factors are most significant.† (Cote pg.1) I propose that we create an environment with a stress on healthy dieting, good exercise and less strenuous workouts. Not an environment where winning is the prime concern. There are man... ...)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As you can see there are several problems that lye within the gymnastics society, but we the outside force must come to learn, understand and teach the athletes and coaches some of the correct ways in which they can handle situations. I have come across some major problems throughout this paper, along with some good solution which I hope everyone can take into account. It is important for not only the athletes of this country to be aware of the problems they have, but also to inform the rest of society about the situations hence forth. I know things can change when we put our minds together and create action upon our solutions. I hope this information has helped anyone who was having a difficult time understanding some of the issues that arise with gymnastics, or anyone who had a question. â€Å" Don’t let a problem or situation get in the way of a dream.†

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Autonomous Vehicles and Software Architectures

Author: Anonymous Date: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 10:07:54 AM EDT Subject:Week 1 Discussion 2 â€Å"Autonomous Vehicles and Software Architectures † Please respond to the following: * Autonomous vehicles utilize integrated imaging and vision systems, sensor systems, and control systems to â€Å"drive a car†. Determine what you believe are the top-five challenges of integrating these systems. Provide one example for each challenge and explain why you believe it is a challenge. * Explain whether you believe there is a difference between designing and developing software for distributed architectures and stand-alone essay writer help, non-distributed systems.Provide at least five reasons to support your position. Autonomous Vehicles and Top-Five Challenges 1. ) Just for starters, who would be responsible for accidents? Software used in such cars would have to have the same basic reactions as humans, and if there is a computational fault that causes a crash, would the driver or the software-making firm be at fault? Not only this, but vehicle safety standards would have to be assessed and potentially rewritten to account for electronics as well as mechanics — and knowing how governments work, this could take a while. . ) No system is faultless, and everything has a chance of failure. But if a computer system fails when you’re on the highway, not only could it prove more dangerous than usual — as your attention is unlikely to be fully on the road if something else is in control — and so a self-driving car would have to come with a plethora of safety mechanisms in place to cater for these issues. Not only this, but such a system would have to be able to react to unexpected situations. For example, how would an autonomous car react if a child ran out into a road?The technology may be shiny and new, but safety will prove a massive challenge before this kind of technology will be allowed to see the light of day when it comes down to the general public. Specifically, driving in snow is proving challenging because the snow covers the markers and visual cues that the autonomous sensor technology relies on to pilot a vehicle on its own. 3. ) There also may be problems with new roads or changes in street names as well as with situations in which police are manually directing traffic. 4. Another challenge is driving through construction zones, accident zones, or other situations in which a human is directing traffic with hand signals. The cars are excellent at observing stop signs, traffic lights, speed limits, the behavior of other cars, and other common cues that human drivers use to figure out how fast to go and where and when to turn. But when a human is directing traffic with hand signals–and especially when these hand signals conflict with a traffic light or stop sign–the cars get confused. 5. Data Challenges: An enormous amount of data will become available for alternative usage, which is like ly to present challenges and opportunities pertaining to data security, privacy concerns, and data analytics and aggregation. Privacy concerns must be resolved to enable the deployment of integrated sensor-based and cooperative vehicle technologies. A balance between privacy protection interests and other affected interests is essential to resolve conflicts between the stakeholders who will make decisions about how information is collected, archived, and distributed.Potential stakeholder concerns are numerous: disclosure of vehicle data could reveal trade secrets; public personalities, such as politicians and celebrities, could be connected to potentially embarrassing locations or routes; and ordinary citizens could find themselves spammed or stalked as the data enables a variety of harmful applications such a as commercial misuse, public corruption, and identity theft. And what’s to prevent nefarious governments from using the expanded surveillance capabilities to spy on the ir citizens?Data Security: Numerous security threats will arise once personal mobility is dominated by self-driving vehicles. Unauthorized parties, hackers, or even terrorists could capture data, alter records, instigate attacks on systems, compromise driver privacy by tracking individual vehicles, or identify residences. They could provide bogus information to drivers, masquerade as a different vehicle, or use denial-of-service attacks to bring down the network. The nefarious possibilities are mind-boggling—the stuff of sci-fi thrillers.But system security will undoubtedly become a paramount issue for transportation systems with the successful deployment of integrated sensor based and cooperative vehicles. Difference Between Distributed and Non-Distributed Systems A distributed system is a computing system in which a number of components cooperate by communicating over a network. Computer software traditionally ran in stand-alone systems, where the user interface, applicatio n ‘business’ processing, and persistent data resided in one computer, with peripherals attached to it by buses or cables.Inherent complexities, which arise from fundamental domain challenges: E. g. , components of a distributed system often reside in separate address spaces on separate nodes, so inter-node communication needs different mechanisms, policies, and protocols than those used for intra-node communication in a stand-alone systems. Likewise, synchronization and coordination is more complicated in a distributed system since components may run in parallel and network communication can be asynchronous and non-deterministic.The networks that connect components in distributed systems introduce additional forces, such as latency, jitter, transient failures, and overload, with corresponding impact on system efficiency, predictability, and availability [VKZ04]. †¢ Accidental complexities, which arise from limitations with software tools and development techniques, such as non-portable programming APIs and poor distributed debuggers.Ironically, many accidental complexities stem from deliberate choices made by developers who favor low-level languages and platforms, such as C and C-based operating system APIs and libraries, that scale up poorly when applied to distributed systems. As the complexity of application requirements increases, moreover, new layers of distributed infrastructure are conceived and released, not all of which are equally mature or capable, which complicates development, integration, and evolution of working systems. †¢ Inadequate methods and techniques.Popular software analysis methods and design techniques have focused on constructing single-process, single-threaded applications with ‘best-effort’ quality of service (QoS) requirements. The development of high-quality distributed systems—particularly those with stringent performance requirements, such as video-conferencing or air traffic control sy stems—has been left to the expertise of skilled software architects and engineers. Moreover, it has been hard to gain experience with software techniques for distributed systems without spending much time wrestling with platform-specific details and fixing mistakes by costly trial and error. Continuous re-invention and re-discovery of core concepts and techniques. The software industry has a long history of recreating incompatible solutions to problems that have already been solved. There are dozens of general-purpose and real-time operating systems that manage the same hardware resources. Similarly, there are dozens of incompatible operating system encapsulation libraries, virtual machines, and middleware that provide slightly different APIs that implement essentially the same features and services. If effort had instead been focused on rapidly by reusing common tools and standard platforms and components.Distributed Systems Therefore, distributed and non-distributed compute r system are different in these ways. * Distributed architecture has the ability to scale out and load balance business logic independently. * Distributed architecture has separate server resources that are available for separate layers. * Distributed architecture is flexible. * Distributed architecture has additional serialization and network latency overheads due to remote calls. * Distributed architecture is potentially more complex and more expensive in terms of total cost of ownership. Non-Distributed Systems Non-distributed architecture is less complex than distributed architecture. * Non-distributed architecture has performance advantages gained through local calls. * With non-distributed architecture, it is difficult to share business logic with other applications. * With non-distributed architecture, server resources are shared across layers. This can be good or bad — layers may work well together and result in optimized usage because one of them is always busy. Howe ver, if one layer requires disproportionately more resources, another layer may be starved of resources.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Hamlet Jungian Perspectives On Psychology And Religion

Hamlet: Jungian Perspectives The term consciousness refers to your individual awareness of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations and environment† (Kendra Cherry, Our unconscious contains thoughts, memories, and desires that are well below the surface of awareness but that nevertheless have a great influence on behavior. The influence of Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Gustav Jung’s work in analytical psychology has never been more prominent in texts than it is today. â€Å"Introversion and â€Å"extroversion† have become standard words. Most people are aware of the connection between the â€Å"individual psyche† and the â€Å"collective unconscious.† Many of us have secretly wondered about our own â€Å"complex neurosis.† The influence of the darker â€Å"shadow† side of life is the subject of concern as we seek to understand the apparent inhumanity of our species. All of this and more has come to us through the voice of Jung who, perhaps more than any other single individual, has shown that psychology and religion can not only coexist peacefully together, but that they can enhance, inspire, and perhaps even complete each other - and in the process help us complete ourselves. In the gaze of the Jungian analyst, there are two forces that drive Hamlet. One is his anima; â€Å"the personification of all feminine psychological tendencies within a man, the archetypal feminine symbolism within a man s unconscious.† (Barbara F. McManus, February, 1999Show MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesManagement Skills 8 †¢ Effective versus Successful Managerial Activities 8 †¢ A Review of the Manager’s Job 9 Enter Organizational Behavior 10 Complementing Intuition with Systematic Study 11 Disciplines That Contribute to the OB Field 13 Psychology 14 †¢ Social Psychology 14 †¢ Sociology 14 †¢ Anthropology 14 There Are Few Absolutes in OB 14 Challenges and Opportunities for OB 15 Responding to Economic Pressures 15 †¢ Responding to Globalization 16 †¢ Managing Workforce Diversity 18 †¢ Improving Customer Servic e